

Gokote Semiconductor advocates a truth-seeking and pragmatic work style to improve work efficiency; encourages employees to unite and help each other, help each other in the same boat, carry forward the spirit of collective cooperation and collective creativity, and provide a smooth development channel of "power for use"; rich corporate knowledge base, high Social recognition. System: based on the modern western enterprise management system, combined with the actual situation of the enterprise, implement ERP management; communication: a fair, just and open communication environment, open communication channels, and harmonious interpersonal relationships; values "Advocating people-oriented, objective and pragmatic ; Cultural activities: build a humane environment for the big family with rich cultural activities and spiritual care with Chinese characteristics.

Join us, Gocott is committed to providing career advancement and development opportunities. Our career development philosophy is that employees achieve their career goals by using and participating in existing projects, tools and resources.
Whether you are about to start your career or have become a senior professional in the semiconductor industry, we will provide you with many opportunities. We have a tradition of innovation, strong leadership and market position, and a bright future. Here, you will work, learn and grow with a group of ideal people!